About Us


The Road’s Theme Verse:

So they said to each other, “Weren’t our hearts ablaze within us while He was talking with us on the road and explaining the Scriptures to us?” ….. Then they began to describe what had happened on the road and how He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread. Luke 24:32,35.

It is our desire to walk along The Road of life with you, connecting with you, and walking through the scriptures so that the truths of scripture can connect for you. The best place that connecting happens is in small groups. We call them Life Groups. Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, Mondays, Tuesday mornings, Wednesdays, other days of the week, they are available for you. Christ has commanded us to “make disciples.” Disciples lead others to be disciples. We hope to walk down “The Road” of life with you and for you to soon be doing the same with others in the power and love of Christ!

What to Expect

You’ll find The Road Church to be a friendly and relaxed gathering of people who love Christ, each other, and our community.

Our worship services include contemporary music with a worship team and solid biblical teaching. We often preach verse by verse or chapter by chapter through books of the Bible in addition to specific themes relevant to our culture and calendar. Our services typically last 60-75 minutes in length. You’ll see a wide range of families and ages within our church. Casual dress is welcome!

Nursery and Children’s Worship is available for kids through 3rd grade. We also love having children with us in the services. Check out the ministries page for additional youth and children’s information.

Want to Know More?

Want to know more about the Road? Feel Free to contact Pastor Dan Updegrave. If you have a question about a specific ministry from the Road reach out to anyone from our fantastic Leadership Team

Give Online

In addition to the online giving, you can also give any Sunday during our worship services. Envelopes and the collection buckets are located on the entry table.

In addition to the online giving, you can also give any Sunday during our worship services. Envelopes and the collection buckets are located on the entry table.