Children’s Ministry

The Roadsters Children’s Ministry

We love helping families and children grow together in Christ!

On regular Sundays, parents and kids will find a loving nursery and a fun Roadsters Childrens Worship activity. The Children’s Worship time occurs during the sermon portion of our service. Kids up through 3rd grade get to participate in worship with their families during the music portion of the service and then exit for their own lesson and activities during the sermon. Our nursery is available for the full service.


One Sunday a month we plan a Family Sunday. During this service children particpate in the entire service. These days often coincide with holidays, Lord’s Supper Celebrations, Picnic days, or other special services that we believe it is important for the family to experience together. Often these service will also include a short devotional for the children.

On Wednesdays, The Roadsters children’s ministry finds itself inside our Wednesday home of Clever Christian Church. We have classes for preschool up through elementary age for children. Wednesday lessons walk through exciting lessons always pointing towards Jesus. Wednesday classes are from 7:00-8:00pm. (We rent Clever Christian Church, 201 Carpenter St. for our Wednesday activities). 


Jessica Swearingen

Children’s Ministry Director



Annual Children’s Activities include: 

Community Easter Egg Hunt
Vacation Bible School
Boys & Girls Camps
Trunk or Treat Night
Pumpkin Patch Night
Christmas Caroling
Family Activity Days

Give Online

In addition to the online giving, you can also give any Sunday during our worship services. Envelopes and the collection buckets are located on the entry table.

In addition to the online giving, you can also give any Sunday during our worship services. Envelopes and the collection buckets are located on the entry table.